Beenger: Fun Social Challenges

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Desenvolvedor: The Elegant Monkeys LTD.


Join the fast growing challenge-based social community!
Lets break it down, "challenge-based" may sound overwhelming.

WIIFM? (or - What’s In It For Me?)

If you like laughs, jokes, memes, gifs, nsfw, college pranks, vine, dares, greek life, thug life, omg, fails, lol & wtf, 9GAG, memebase, iFunny, imgur, Reddit, 4chan, Spongebob, cheezburger, vine, thechive, collegehumor or even Jackass (yep), then Beenger is for you.

At first, youll be introduced to Beenger and our swag community, browse our Featured section where you’ll find the hottest trending challenges (called beenges) from our Top Followed Users.

Then, once you’ve had your laughs & gags and you’re thoroughly entertained with all the funny, viral awesomeness you have just consumed, you might ask yourself: “Can I take part in this awesomeness?”
We’re glad you asked. Yes. Beenger is the fast, fun and easy network thats designed to let you challenge ANYONE, ANYWHERE to do the things you WANT to see.

But How?

Creating your own unique beenge is as easy as downloading this app. You simply choose a beenge or think of an awesome new one, nominate someone you want to challenge (perhaps a friend), and whoosh*! Let the magic happen. (No actual whoosh sound in app).
As soon as that friend responds to your challenge, Beenger will notify you, and your beenge will be streamed to both your personal feeds.
Cool right?

Go Viral by Social:
AKA awesomeness is only real when shared :)

Now that you have your first beenge, sharing it with the Beenger community is great, sharing it everywhere else is even better.
Beenger is seamlessly designed to work with the major social networks, such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, WeChat, Weibo, Line, Pinterest, Email, Slack & more.

Celebrating Average:

That sounds great, but does that mean I can get beenged too?
Yes, in the likely event a fellow beenger (what we call our users) nominates you for a challenge - dont sweat it, beenge it!
Beenger isnt for superheroes, anyone can post an awesome challenge. Nominated? Just tap the beenge and your camera is up and running.
Whether you want to take a picture challenge or a video challenge is up to you. We prefer video.

Hear what our users are saying about Beenger:

"This is Netflix for challenges." - Mark
"Awesome! Its like the ice bucket challenge on steroids." - Ryan
"Im not much of a challenge taker myself, but I love watching pranks my friends post" - Amanda
"Haha haha made me ROFL so hard" - Steve
"LMFAO I love it " - Michelle
"Dope" - Chris
"Im usually a big fan of memes, funny gifs and nsfw stuff on places like memebase and 9GAG, which Beenger doesnt have, but the challenges are hilarious lol" - Cydney
"Haha omg people NEED to see beenger" - Jennifer
"LMFAO I cant get enough of this." - Jason
"LOL the videos are really funny" - John
"Pure awesomeness." - Kyle
"LMAO every time I get my best friend to do a challenge" - Jess
"Makes me laugh lol" - Thomas
"Never thought Id do some challenges myself, but ever since my first one got featured I cant stop!" - Roy
"LOL ! best laughs I had in months" - Chan

Trending FAQ We Love:

Whats a beenge?
- A beenge is like a challenge, only wonderfully capsule-sized to fit our 6 sec videos.
Note: "to beenge" is the act of sending a beenge, or to nominate someone.

Will Beenger post crazy stuff to my Facebook?
- Only if you ask.

Is Beenger environmentally friendly?
- Team Beenger is dedicated to the environment and recycles daily, but our viral videos can get hazardous.

Wait! Are you saying I can demand funny videos from my friends?
- Yes son, now you can.

Your opinion matters to us!

Twitter: @beengerapp or
Instagram: roybeenger (our marketing ninja, also on Facebook as "that Beenger guy")
Email: [email protected]

Ready? Have Fun!

Made with <3 by a bunch of geeks named The Elegant Monkeys Ltd.